Neck and shoulder massage is a traditional therapy method, using massage movements, acupressure, kneading, stretching; affecting the neck, shoulders and nape. This method brings many health benefits such as reducing stress, improving daily pain symptoms, limiting psychological effects on the spirit, such as stress, anxiety, insomnia and more. Perhaps you already have your own answer about what is the effect of neck and shoulder massage? Check out the article below, to immediately pocket 15 great effects from neck, shoulder and nape massage.
Reduce tension, stress, and anxiety
The neck, shoulder and nape area is where most of the nervous system and blood vessels are concentrated. When your body faces symptoms of tension, stress or anxiety, these nerves and blood vessels will constrict, leading to pain and fatigue in the neck and shoulders.
To answer the question of what is the effect of neck and shoulder massage? Kimlia would like to answer that this is a therapy method that helps relieve pain, relax muscles, help reduce tension, stress and anxiety, thereby improving the condition of sore and uncomfortable neck and shoulders.
Helps relieve knee and back pain
You know, the neck, shoulder and nape area is the concentration point of many important nerves, closely linked to different joints in the body, including the knees and back. If this area is stressed, the pain symptoms in other joints, especially the back and knees will make you uncomfortable.
Neck and shoulder massage is very effective in reducing stress, increasing blood circulation, thereby helping to reduce knee and back pain, specifically as follows:
- Relaxes muscles, reduces spasms, thereby reducing pressure on joints.
- Enhances blood circulation, helps provide oxygen and nutrients to joints, supports cartilage regeneration.
- Reduce pain and inflammation.
In general, this method can be performed at home with specialized massage equipment or at professional facilities. In case of performing at home, you should pay attention to performing massage using precise techniques to avoid causing damage to the body:
- Lie on your back on the bed, head slightly higher than body.
- Place your palms on your neck, shoulders, and nape.
- Perform massage, patting, pressing, kneading, etc. movements in circular motions, from light to strong.
- Focus massage on painful areas.
- Massage for about 15-20 minutes.
3. Improve perception and balance of daily activities
As an area with many essential nerves, the neck, shoulders and nape of the neck play an important role in maintaining sensation and helping to bring balance to the body. Specifically as follows:
- Recognize stimuli from the surrounding environment, such as light, sound, temperature, etc.
- Controls body movements, such as head movements, eyes, etc.
- Maintain body posture, help the body keep balance.
Neck and shoulder massage is a useful method that has the effect of increasing blood circulation, reducing stress and anxiety, helping the mind to be comfortable. From there, your body's sensory function will be improved and daily activities will be balanced in the best way.
4. Strengthen the immune system and protect overall health
The lymphatic system's blood circulation function plays an important role in transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells, helping to eliminate toxins from the body. When this function is impaired, the body becomes susceptible to infection and disease.
Neck and shoulder massage is an extremely useful method, helping to stimulate acupuncture points, support muscle relaxation, limit spasms, thereby helping blood vessels dilate, the body's lymphatic system also works more effectively, helping blood circulation increase.
5. Support treatment of diseases related to the spine
The neck, shoulder and nape area is where many vertebrae are concentrated, including 7 cervical vertebrae (C1-C7). They play an important role in supporting the best possible mobility of the head, neck, shoulders and nape.
In cases where the cervical vertebrae are degenerative or have a herniated disc, it can cause many uncomfortable symptoms and even life-threatening complications.
The effect of neck and shoulder massage is to help relax muscles, reduce spasms, and reduce pressure on the cervical vertebrae. Moreover, it also helps the process of providing oxygen and nutrients to the cervical vertebrae as best as possible, thereby supporting the recovery of injuries related to the vertebrae.
6. Reduce inflammation and pain caused by working with computers
If you are an office worker and have to sit and work with a computer for a long time, more or less, health-related problems, including neck and shoulder pain, can be a cause of trouble for you. Specifically, one of those reasons is as follows:
- Incorrect sitting posture puts a lot of pressure on the neck, shoulders, and nape.
- Eyes have to constantly look at the computer screen, causing muscles in the neck, shoulders, and nape to become tense.
- Do not regularly exercise or relax your neck, shoulders, and nape.
Neck and shoulder massage is a health care therapy that helps provide oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, thereby helping injuries recover more quickly.
Not stopping there, neck and shoulder massage methods also help to limit symptoms of pain, swelling, inflammation, helping the body to improve blood circulation in the best way. This is the most accurate answer to help you answer the question: What are the effects of neck and shoulder massage?